Sunday, October 20, 2019
Human Resource Planning of the New Lounge with Asian Cuisine
Human Resource Planning of the New Lounge with Asian Cuisine Business concept The new lounge with Asian cuisine will focus on offering nutritious food and beverages to residents of Seattle, Washington. The establishment will specialize in a combination of upscale foods. The foodstuffs will comprise of rice, chilies, soy, salads, and certain recipes focusing on Asian cuisine.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Human Resource Planning of the New Lounge with Asian Cuisine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Based on its distinctive menu, the lounge will concentrate on a differentiation strategy, which will offer exclusive foods around Seattle, Washington. The keys to success for this lounge will be an ideal location and special Asian cuisine. A group of Asian investors in the region will own the business. The stakeholders will offer $50,000 capital investment. The additional $20,000 will be raised through a short-term loan from local banks. Breaking into this market is expe cted to be a challenge. We expect to face competition from small and medium mobile food stalls spread across Seattle. The other competitors are restaurants and food kiosks that offer catering services. To gain a competitive advantage over our competitors, we will differentiate our products and services (Champniss, 2011). One major way of fulfilling the above is through value addition. As such, we plan to locate our business in Downtown Seattle. Here, the cost of renting space is significantly low. The cost saved in renting the premises will enable us to sell our services and products at lower prices compared to the prices charged by our competitors. By offering cheaper and quality services, we will eventually gain a competitive advantage in the market segment. Similarly, we will focus on improving the foods’ package to enhance their aesthetic appeal. All foods will be packed and served in impressive food packages designed to surpass our customers’ expectations. Through the above initiatives, they will be able to add value to its products and services and gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. The lounge will target clients who work or study in regions around the Seattle. According to the market insight, thousands of persons reside around Seattle and its environs. The number of these clients is expected to increase in the future (Dess Lumpkin, 2014).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main reason for positioning itself in this segment is that the business has the opportunity of incorporating new features to the existing service charter. They include online ordering of food services to cater to the changing demands and needs of the targeted customers. The vibrant tourism, efficient transport, increased government expenditure, and improved trade in the region imply that the business will be favorable and convenien t to many individuals (Cone, 2011). An increase in government expenditure means that there is more money in circulation, and more people can afford to enjoy the food services at our lounge. The lounge will also adopt an all-inclusive marketing and advertising promotions. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook are currently the most utilized platforms, and we will exploit them positively to reach more customers in the city of Washington and its environs. The above will not only control losses but also give an accurate record of sales and projections. The advent of computer scanners at retail checkout counters means that the supply of our business will be accompanied with the proper technology. The above will ensure strategic product positioning in the dynamic Washington market. With technological advancements, we will always be ready to adopt innovations in our services to ensure that they remain relevant in the business field. Through social media, we will encourage more poten tial clients to access our services. The social media will also enable us to interact with potential clients to understand their expectations (Farris, 2010). Every year, the business must adopt new entertainment technologies to be ahead of its rivals. Similarly, we plan to form alliances with restaurant chains and kiosks, as well as with event organizers and corporate offices to capture market share. By doing so, we will be able to increase our source of income. HR management plan Organization chart, management team, and employee positions The organizational structure of the hotel displays a divisional corporate order. The divisional order is predominant service sections of the lounge. The sections include housekeeping segment, food and beverage segment, concierge segment, and front desk management. For instance, the big segments of the enterprise are separated into semi-autonomous bodies. The smaller segments are apportioned to a specific field of service. Every semi-autonomous seg ment has a group head. As such, the group head is selected as the management officer of that specific segment. At the top of the hierarchy is the hotel manager. The present-day economic conditions in the hotel industry are characterized by increased competition.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Human Resource Planning of the New Lounge with Asian Cuisine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, the lounge will adopt the above organizational structure to save on the cost of operation. The organizational structure has many advantages. Through this structure, every section functions effectively for the reason that they are centered on certain precise task. By doing so, the bank has been able to enhance the output of every section. Below is a figure showing the organizational chart of the lounge. The hotel manager manages the overall undertakings like hiring and making financial arrangements. The assista nt manager acts on behalf of the general manager in his or her absence. The junior manager reports to the overall manager. Since the lounge operates on 24 hours basis, an evening shift administrator will be required to night operations. A supervisor directs every functional group. The supervisor reports to the general manager. Fig 1: Organizational chart of the lounge Compensation and benefits Present financial situations in the hotel sector are characterized by increased operating costs (Collins Ewing, 2012). Recruitment and hiring of new employees contribute to the rise in operating costs. Therefore, the lounge will adopt a competitive reward scheme to reduce the employee turnover. Expecting to be among the top Asian cuisines in Seattle, the lounge’s reward systems are expected to be competitive. As such, the hotel’s reward scheme is expected to indicate the individuals to be awarded and the reason behind the rewards. The practice will enhance individual performanc e and general firm outcomes. The reward scheme balances with the organization’s culture. Policies and processes for attracting, motivating, and retaining employees Attracting, inspiring, and retaining skilled workforce is significant and often challenging for todays businesses. Appropriate staffing measures will aid the hotel intensify the satisfaction of its workers, reduce recruiting costs, and increase the hotel’s productivity.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The hotel should offer a positive working environment for its staff. Through this, the lounge will be able to attract and retain qualified workers. A positive work environment enables the employees to undertake their roles without challenges. Thus, the productivity of the lounge will increase. Similarly, the business should identify, compensate, and support the right behavior to attract and retain a competent workforce. Through this, the worker’s morale will be boosted. By involving and engaging the employees, the hotel will be able to motivate its workforce. As such, individuals are more dedicated and involved if they are allowed to add their thoughts and proposals towards the improvement of the business. Equally, the hotel should adopt fun in the workplace to motivate the employees. The initiative will enable the employees develop a positive staff culture, boost their morale and motivation, and enhance employer and employee relationship. Likewise, the approach will improve teamwork, boost employee satisfaction, help attract and retain the best people, and improve customer satisfaction. The initiative will also enhance creativity and problem solving, resolve conflict and difficult issues, and augment productivity and performance. Making ethical decisions For effective operation and ethical decisions, the lounge will adhere to required code of ethics. To prevent conflicts between the hotel and the law, the lounge will formulate and implement an appropriate ethical culture (Ferrell Fraedrich, 2014). The code of ethics will articulate the accepted standards. To achieve this, the lounge will be required to strengthen ethical culture and promote an ethical workforce within the executive branch. Similarly, the code of ethics will be used to institutionalize ethics within the firm. The code of ethics will illustrate a broad value system of an organization, describe the organization’s principles, and detail guidelines for decision making that are in ac cordance with these principles. Thereafter, the general manager should ensure that the code of ethics is implemented and adhered to at all time. Adhering to the code of ethics is very important to the lounge because it will reduce unethical practices. Unethical practices affect the morale of employees. Ethical wrongdoings have the potential to harm the lounge’s associations with customers, clients, shareholders, and suppliers. Managing diversity The new lounge just like other global hotel ought to uphold diversity. Through this, all employees and the management team should change the way they think, perform, and innovate. By embracing diversity management, the lounge will reap the benefits associated with diversity’s and reduce the potential hurdles like preconceptions that can weaken the operation of a diverse workforce (Volberda, 2012). Diversity in the hotel will be exhibited through the workers’ dissimilarities and similarities. The above implies that managi ng diversity will involve not only the management of race, ethnic, or gender, issue but also other complicated issues that bring out the differences of the employees. Some programs will be implemented to improve diversity in the workplace. Therefore, a management team will ensure that they offer strong leadership, evaluate the situation, offer diversity-teaching programs, transform culture, and evaluate the existing diversity administration programs. Similarly, the lounge should also train its workforce about the importance of diversity. During the training, employees and the managers will be taught to recognize diversity mixtures in their departments. In doing so, the managers will be able to identify themselves with these features in their departments. Equally, managers should be taught how to scrutinize the mixtures and their associated pressures. Similarly, the training will inform managers on how to choose a suitable response. Through this training, they will be able to eval uate all the available alternatives. Likewise, hotel managers will come up with policies that encourage relationship among the employees. Through building relationship among the employees, the managers will enable the employees to understand and appreciate each other’s social, religious, or racial background (Wood, 2013). The above can be achieved by offering the employees with regular seminars, workshops, and other social events. Through this, they will get to know one another better enhancing mutual respect. Equally, human resource managers should foster mutual adaptation in the workplace to end issues related to religious mixtures. Through this initiative, every employee will be required to adjust his or her religious doctrines for the benefit of developing an appropriate work environment suitable for all religious groups. Evaluating performance To enhance the performance of the employees, the lounge’s executives will implement performance measurement strategies. Th e lounge will adopt quality and time performance measures. Quality performance measure will assess the value of the services rendered by the employees (Kreitner Cassidy, 2012). Equally, time performance will assess the period taken by the employees to render their services. To enhance the efficiency of the performance measures, the hotel will undertake the above assessment regularly. Changes in performance measures and requirements related to enhancing the competency-base of workers to meet global requirements will also be monitored. Therefore, the hotel will implement a culture of accountability. Similarly, they will focus on results. When goals and visions are brought into line with organizational accountabilities, the administration can hold employees answerable for their tasks. Equally, performance measures will encourage workers to accomplish the lounge’s goals, missions, and objectives. Planning succession Appropriate succession planning measure will be put in place to recognize and develop internal staff with the possibility to fill vacancy positions in the hotel. The process is the most efficient and appropriate way of filling organization’s vacancies. Through this approach, the hotel will reduce its recruitment costs and orientation training expenses and time. The approach will offer employees with abilities to advance their career through regular training. As a result, employees will progressively develop and advance their careers. Through career advancement, workers’ morale will be enhanced enabling them to dispense their knowledge and capabilities effectively. Equally, by improving on the workforce’s morale the hotel will increase its productivity leading to an increase in returns. Ensuring a safe and non-discriminatory work environment In any organization, upholding safe and non-discriminatory work environment is considered a major management problem. The hotel will adopt appropriate organizational culture to addres s the issue. As such, organization culture determines how organizational members interact with each other. Appropriate organizational culture will minimize conflicts (Siegel, 2015). Usually, conflicts arise from personal differences or responsibility differences. Exceptional features of workplace setup also influence the conflicts. The features comprise of the stretched hours employees people spend in their workplace, the hierarchical arrangement of the business corporations, and financial or emotional the difficulties. The lounge’s executive will also ensure that the work environment is safe. Workplace accidents are a major concern to hotels’ managers and their workers. More often, accidents result from wet flows, spills, and sharp cutleries. In the lounge, managers and safety managers will supervise safety responsibilities. They will be required to ensure that the safety requirements of the employees and the clients are fulfilled. They will also ensure that appropria te systems are put in place to enable employees verify safety hazards. Similarly, the officials will ensure that all safety measures are upheld. References Champniss, G. (2011). Brand valued: how socially valued brands hold the key to a sustainable future and business success. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley. Collins, H., Ewing, K. D. (2012). Labour law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cone, S. (2011). Steal these ideas: Marketing secrets that will make you a star. New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Dess, G., Lumpkin, G. (2014). Strategic management: Creating competitive advantages (7thed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Farris, P. (2010). Marketing metrics: The definitive guide to measuring marketing performance (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press. Ferrell, O., Fraedrich, J. (2014). Business ethics: ethical decision making and cases. San Francisco: Cengage learning. Kreitner, R., Cassidy, C. (2012). Management (12th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Siegel, D. (2015). S pecial Issue of Strategic Organization. Strategic Organization Journal, 13(2), 163-165. Volberda, H. (2012). Strategic Flexibility Creating Dynamic Competitive Advantages. Oxford Handbooks Online, 14(3), 23-34. Wood, M. (2013). The marketing plan: A handbook. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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