Saturday, September 14, 2019
Nursing Management Essay
Nursing Management, named 2003 Publication of the Year by the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors, places special emphasis on the new skills needed to succeed in today’s turbulent health care arena, and prides itself on being a strong, independent platform for the expression of a broad range of opinions and views. It is devoted to nursing management concerns including recruitment, retention, reimbursement news, legal issues, and the pressing health care industry. Nursing management is performing leadership functions of governance and decision-making within organizations employing nurses. It includes processes common to all management like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Importance of nursing management and function of the nurse manger: Nursing Management a useful source for current advice on how to manage health care delivery across the continuum of care. Novice nurses’ orientation to clinical nursing practice occurs in the critical period between graduation and acquiring the professional nurse role. Accommodating this transition process presents a challenge to expert clinicians in communicating essential behaviors intrinsic to the nursing discipline. In general, the beginning nurse lacks confidence in performing many new skills, and initial responses to problematic situations can escalate into dilemmas without intervention from an experienced clinician of we can say by nurse manager. Therefore, to gain recognition as a discipline that nurtures, supports, and provides guidance for new members, strategies must be developed to improve the transition of the novice nurse to professional nursing practice. Nurse Managers are key to retention, but limited by the scope and multiple skills needed for the role. The role and expectations for nurse managers in ambulatory settings are rapidly changing. Several recent trends should be of concern to nurse executives. Increasingly complex health care services are being provided in this profession. The Nurse Manager plays an essential role in healthcare. She sets the tone of any Healthcare System. The Manager is the backbone of the organization. The quality of patient care, as well as staff recruitment and retention success, rests with this key role. Over time it will be the strength of the nurse manager group that determines the success or failure of nursing leadership, the COO, and even the CEO. As critical as it is to develop those concrete and pragmatic skills noted above, there is also a delicate subtle art to being a Nurse Manager, to balancing the tensions between quality and cost, to dealing with multiple stakeholders, presenting conflicting agendas, to dealing with stress and pressure every day, to implementing processes needed to ensure that individualized compassionate care is provided consistently in the most efficient and effective manner possible ,these qualities in the manager comes from experience. He has the pivotal role in creating an environment that provides quality care for patient and opportunities for growth and development and staff. Constructive and positive attitude towards employ relation makes good manager sense . manager attitude is critical to the ability to staff to meet both there own profession goals of the organisation. the nurse manager has two main roles manage of patient care and provide the necessary source for that situation. The manager action must be superior in grievance handling, employ discipline. On the other hand nurses ensuring that patients receive the best care possible by highly competent and caring. A vital component of nursing consists of communicating effectively with patients and their family. One would assume that this principle would also apply between colleagues. Nurses are professionals and therefore should communicate accordingly with fellow peers as one’s attitude of another can jeopardize or influence others in regards to an effective working relationship and environment in a health care environment characterized by a shortage of nurses, retention is important to achieving good outcomes. The nursing is to provide quality patient care. This mandate becomes harder all the time, especially given the financial and staffing issues that healthcare organizations are facing. Nevertheless, the Nurse Managers is the person responsible for maintaining quality on the unit. She must define what quality means on her unit, set standards for quality, develop consistent processes, eliminate errors, measure results, and constantly improve performance. Benner (1984) discussed the need for clinical experts in patient care areas to provide clinical teaching for new nurses who are in the beginner or advanced beginner levels in their nursing practice. Because novice nurses do not typically understand the contextual meaning of newly learned theoretical concepts, they require guidance in the clinical setting that is generally provided by a more experienced nurse. As a nurse manager, you are expected to handle all the problems on your unit – whether internal or interdepartmental, concerning competencies or complaints, or concerning patients or families. But you’ve come up through the ranks, you’ve seen it all, and you can handle everything thrown at you. Nurse Managers were interviewed and all ward-based G grade charge nurses within the trust were sent a questionnaire to ascertain: the level of satisfaction with the way the changes had been introduced; whether they were in favor of the changes; and if they had sufficient time, knowledge, resources, preparation and support to enable them to undertake their new role. A random sample of charge nurses was also interviewed. It was found that the majority of charge nurses were in favor of the development of their role, believing it to be both inevitable and necessary. However, many felt that the change process had been managed ineffectively. There had been insufficient consultation during the change process, preparation and support were perceived as inadequate, the roles of the various protagonists were often unclear, and the lack of supernumerary status led to role conflict and confusion. As a consequence the new ward managers were often unable to fulfill the true potential of this demanding but exciting role. The nurse manager who clarifies the vision of collaboration, practices as a role model for collaboration, and inspires others to achieve this difficult goal. In addition, the nurse manager manipulates the environmental resources and facilitates self-confidence of staff. The management paradigm that unites the work environment with individual ability is most likely to facilitate collaborative practice. Difference between the expert nurse and the novice nurse: For many years student nurses were trained in a more disciplined approach with considerable time allocated to working in the hospital environment and specified times allowed for gaining theoretical knowledge throughout their formal training. Nurses therefore gained a tremendous amount of experience and competency in their practical skills. With the introduction of more specialized equipment and technology it was now desirable to improve the professional status of nurses and nursing education. The introduction of university trained nurses has been met with much criticism. Student nurses are now being empowered and informed with theoretical knowledge from many health disciplines that allows them to use a holistic approach to patient care. The changes to nurse education were hoped to improve the professional status of nurses although this transition has not been without problems. Integrating inexperienced nurses onto the unit with the nurturing and encouragement they need is a primary charge to the Nurse Manager. Yet the pressure of daily life on a nursing unit often precludes time for true mentoring and the TLC that is integral to fostering trust and commitment in orienting staff. A failure in this realm leads to diminished morale and high turnover among the nursing staff. Experienced nurses who are already working in stressful conditions with continuous staff shortages and poor recognition of service see the student nurse sometimes as an extra hindrance to their already increasing workload. Student nurses are theoretically competent but lack the clinical expertise and experience to complement this knowledge which can also add to the professional pressure that experience nurses encounter. Most nurses would like to see themselves, as promoters of nursing but are frustrated and disillusioned with their profession. It would seem then that student nurses as a result of this dissatisfaction are often devoured by some nurses instead of being encouraged and nurtured in their enthusiasm for nursing. the novice nurses has no enough experience to grasp aspect and recurrent meaningful component of the current situation for example a newly graduated nurse student, he has no understanding of situation exists he can not perform well as we aspect, in that case the responsibility of the manager is much, he is responsible for all activities more work load and stress due to the novice nurses. He determines which aspects of situations are important and which can be ignored him in the case of novice nerse,the manager kept one question in mind, he can perform this work or not. So the responsibility of the nurse manager is more in case of novice nurse. The performance of novice nurse is guided by principals and rules of conduct, so the manager has another responsibility to create some rules and limitation for novice nurse. Expert nurses have an ability to take decision according to the situation, Able to focus on the accurate region of the problem of the situation because judgment is based on understanding of paradigms. Effectiveness of practice not hindered by any wasted regard of alternative diagnosis or solutions. In this case the responsibility of the manager is less, and free to perform to another work. Novice nurse has no experience so he can not judge, what is the actual situation and he can not take decision, he is waiting the order of manager, so the responsibility and the work varies. Novice nurses can main health problem but experienced nurse can do well, all discussed problem. The main thing is, satisfaction of patient, it is only possible by experienced nurse. Expectation of medical surgical team by new nurse manager with respect of experienced nurse: Nursing has always been a physically demanding profession. Today the physical demand is as great as ever with the added challenge of highly technical and increasingly complex treatment modalities. The nurse is an analyst, a communicator, a facilitator, a problem solver, a decision maker, and above all a clinical expert. Nursing requires a broad theoretical base and a new and ever changing clinical skill set, along with the ability to integrate theory with clinical practice. Without the necessary educational preparation and on-going in-service training the nurse will feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsupported. And to the Nurse Manager falls the task of assuring that her staff doesn’t lag behind and that high quality patient care is sustained regardless of newly imposed expectations. The pressing need for health care reform in this century has contributed to an increasing interest in educating health care providers who can deliver cost-effective, high-quality care. Demand for primary care nurse practitioners has risen significantly, and nursing education has responded by increasing the numbers and graduates of nurse practitioner programs. Although this century brings new opportunities for expanded nursing roles, it also presents challenges for nurse practitioners to sustain a holistic perspective while providing quality care. The new Nurse Manager may be uncomfortable or frustrated when she realizes that she has 100% responsibility for everything that happens on her unit, without 100% authority. That’s because she has to rely partially on other departments e. g. housekeeping, food services, pharmacy, etc. for her success. The successful seasoned manager has developed interpersonal skills, interdepartmental relationships, and the skill to apply effective influence, even lacking formal authority. In this profession the main thing is that how we can control the critical condition. he main objective if this profession is, that how we can recover the patient as soon as possible and some times to save his life in the most serious condition, in these condition the expert or we can say having tremendous knowledge and ability to take decision it doesn’t matter, he is an manager or experienced nurse but the matter is that to take correct decision within time. it is the profession in which we prefer the experience and practice not degree, because in this field it is necessary to save life of anyone and this is comes from practice not achieve a degree of management . ere the expert means who has experienced in the care of patients with restrictive airway disease in an emergency department setting, has experience in the insertion of peripheral access devices on daily basis. He provides assistance with physician insertion of central venous access devices and arterial lines Expert has 25 years of experience in the management of pain in patients in variety of settings in acute care and in medical office practice, Expert has clinical experience in an acute care hospital setting. His areas of expertise include outpatient surgery, medical, surgical, telemetry, intensive care, and the emergency department. He carried out all patient care functions within the realm of hospital policy and nurse practice act as a licensed practical nurse caring for the urgent visit patient under the auspices of the emergency department. Nurse Experts provides healthcare consulting and technical advice to attorneys, physicians, insurance and accreditation organizations, health professionals, private investigators, injured and 3rd parties, media and production. Our nurse experts also provide special services to hospital and nursing home risk management departments. On the above discussion we can say that medical surgical team wants a person who can help in his case it does not matter he was a manager or a nurse but he has an ability to handle the situation with responsibilities, he can take active part in his operation and not commit mistake because in this profession there is no chance of mistakes. Now the one question arise that how they satisfied there job, the answer is that if he has ability to handle the situation, he has ability to satisfy the patient, provide good curing, in this profession the main thing is that how we can deal with the patient problems, provide better treatment so that the patient recover soon then they are perfect in there job and then we can say that they satisfied there job.
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